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How To Live Stream Virtual Events On Social Media


You will not find a person today who does not know or have seen a live streaming video on social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram. Due to Covid-19, the virtual events are on the site and if you live stream virtual events on social media you will reach more audiences in a safe manner. To be honest this is the only option we have right now so why not take it to the next level. In this article, we will explain how you can live stream a virtual event on social media. 

What is Live StreamingWhat is Live Streaming

Streaming is the data transfer tool that is used as users view content over the Internet. It is a way, often from a remote storage site, to send a video file a little bit at a time. Before beginning to play it, client computers do not have to download the whole video by transferring a few seconds of the clip at a time over the internet. Live streaming is achieved by uploading the streaming video in real-time on the internet without being first registered or processed. TV shows, streams of video games, and videos of social media will all be streamed live today.

Think of the contrast between the standard streamings of a performer reciting a monolog and improvising a voice. Live streaming is the difference. The first one generates the content first, stores it, and then passes it to the public. The latter, as in live broadcasting, gives the public the material at the very moment the performer makes it.

Why Live Streaming Is Important 

The fact that live streaming is becoming more and more popular nowadays does not actually give you full pictures of how important it is. Here are five key factors explaining why live streaming is a must for your brand

Fastest growing industry

The video entertainment industry is one of the fastest-growing. In reality, more than $30 billion is paid in the video streaming industry. It is projected that by 2021 it will be worth more than $70 billion. Live video streaming is rising more than video on demand. Most specifically. Live content growth is 113% year-over-year, with long videos on demand growing by 30% and short formats growing by just 9%.

Expand your reach

Social platforms love live videos and this thread is proven to reach more audiences. For example, if you go live on Facebook, your fans are more likely than they are when you post a photo or a video on demand to view it on their newsfeed. On your searches, YouTube would also like many other sites to favor live streaming.

The human aspect

Live streaming’s sincere engagement establishes a friendship with audiences. On-demand videos cannot necessarily produce the same atmosphere, since audiences will identify with the presenters less space. It adds a human aspect to a live stream. It’s real. Anything at any moment will go wrong. If speakers make an error, stutter, or chuckle, audiences will see the genuineness and connect with it. Unlike Live TV News, anchors are gritty and unmoved. Why don’t you think viewers enjoy watching live TV errors? They are humanized and connected.

Ease and Convenience

A popular misconception about live streaming is that the ordinary person will take it too difficult and technological. Live streaming can be quite easy, though. What you need is the required video/audio, an Internet connection, an encoder and a trustworthy network for downloading.

Analytics Tracking

It is important to be able to monitor the production and performance of your live streaming event. Many professional subscription platforms are equipped for the monitoring of your live event software and predictive dashboards. You will view related metrics such as audiences, interactions,s and activities in multiple video live streaming platforms. These details are used to help you define your audience more clearly.

Softwares For Live StreamingThe Softwares You Need For Live Streaming 

There is plenty of live streaming software in the market. Apart from the Virtual Event software like Virtual Mosaic Event Software, you will be needing live streaming software. Here is an overview of the top three live stream software in 2020. 

OBS Studio

Now let’s evaluate the video streaming application from OBS Studio. OBS is a community-built open-source project. The broadcast program of OBS is very simple in operation and in functionality. However, OBS provides a wide variety of plug-ins to incorporate several more. These plugins help boost the basic software of OBS. They also incorporate innovative capabilities that are found in high-end live streaming applications. 


The Telestream corporation is Wirecast’s creator. Specifically, Wirecast is extended to provide a broad variety of strong professional tools in more fundamental applications such as OBS Studio.


The VidBlasterX is the next analysis of our video streaming software. Firstly, remember that VidBlasterX is both alive and software encoder. In reality, this program is used for several tasks by broadcasters. In other words, you can combine video and audio, add pictures and charts, change, add transitions, and much more from a variety of sources.

Social Platforms for Live Streaming 

Half of the internet’s population is on at least one social media platform and live streaming on social platforms is always a great idea. Here is the top social media platform for live streaming. 


Much like Facebook runs the planet, the social media broadcasting game is ruled by Facebook Live. If you want the best way to get the most eyeballs on your stuff, Facebook Live is where you go. On Facebook these days there are 2.4 BILLION users! There’s no other platform nearby.


Just behind Facebook, there is youtube. Youtube is the pioneer in live streaming on social media and currently, it’s just behind Facebook in terms of numbers. It is very popular for streaming games and TV shows. 


Instagram is owned by Facebook and it lets users go live using stories. Though it is not a full-fledged live streaming platform, it’s very popular among internet influences.  

Live Stream Events On Social MediaLive Stream Events On Social Media

You already know there is a bunch of software for going live on social media unless you have decided to go live directly with Facebook or Instagram. When you are hosting a Mosaic Event you have no option but to use the software. We will suggest you go for OBS Studio as it’s free to use and less complicated compared to other software. For a virtual mosaic event you can use Diphideo Virtual Mosaic Solution and you need to connect OBS studio with Diphideo’s video preview player which will enable you to go live. Just follow these 4 steps to start streaming. These steps are mentioned by OBS Studio Wiki

Run the auto-configuration wizard

When you load OBS Studio for the first time you should see the Auto-Configuration Wizard. If you’re new to OBS or just want to get started as quickly as possible, follow the steps to get good starting settings for your setup. If you only see the main OBS Studio window, you can access the Auto-Config Wizard in the Tools menu at the top. This wizard will automatically test your system and attempt to find settings that your PC can handle. This includes streaming or recording, resolution, bitrate, encoder, streaming provider and more. You can always modify the settings manually later.

Set up your audio devices

By default, OBS Studio is set to capture your system’s default desktop audio device and microphone. You can verify this by looking at the volume meters in the mixer section of the main OBS Studio window, and see if they are active. If they aren’t moving, or you suspect the wrong device is being captured, click on Settings -> Audio and select the devices manually.

macOS users: If you’re on macOS, you’ll need an extra app to capture desktop audio. This is due to limitations in macOS that provide no direct capture methods for desktop audio devices.

Add your sources for video

Next, you’ll see that the preview is a black screen. OBS does not capture any video by default. To get started capturing, you need to add a Source. At the bottom of the window is a box called ‘Sources’. Click on the + (or right-click inside the box) and pick the source you want.

Test your stream and record settings

Double-check that all your settings are how you want them in Settings -> Output. Then, just hit Start Recording or Start Streaming. We strongly encourage running a test for a few minutes to make sure that there are no issues, rather than just jumping in to your first stream or recording. 

It does not matter if you are running a Mosaic event or Multi Camera Bullet Time Effect event it’s always a great idea to live-stream your events on Social media. Contact Us Now to learn more about virtual live stream software.

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